Thursday, September 2, 2010

Update on the Karma to-do list

I thought I would update you on my Karma to-do list. (Assuming any of you care.) I would like to tell you that I have been wildly successful at following my list and that it has resulted in a sudden turn of the course of my life and brought me great wealth and happiness. I really would like to tell you that but I can't. I CAN tell you that I am working on that list daily. Somedays I do well and somedays don't go so great. I have been kind to several people who did not deserve it and it, sadly, did not make me feel any better. My hope on that one is that I am collecting cosmic points that will build up and bring me some reward of good luck in the future. I have seriously decreased the number of times that I use the F bomb in any given day. Not eliminated but decreased. That is progress, right? I have been pretty successful and loving what I have and not getting "things" for the sake of getting them. Before you pat me on the back for that one you should probably know that while I really am trying to love the things I have without wanting more my lack of obtaining "things" from my wish list has more to do with my financial situation than it does my actual willpower but that should count in the grand scheme of things. I don't know that I have had a positive thought for every negative one but I have been working on that too. As for the lifestyle changes, those too are a work in progress. Going back to school has led me to get a little more sleep than I was getting. I have cut way down on diet coke consumption and have been eating better. However, I have noticed that the less diet coke I drink the more prone I am to saying the "f" word and not really worrying about being unkind to the hateful people when I come in contact with them. Maybe life is a great balancing act after all. :)

Until next time............

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